Last month I reached a blogger goal and received my first makeup PR package! RealHer makeup was generous enough to send me a bunch of their lip products, the Do Your Squats eyeshadow palette and blush palette to test out…yes, I totally geeked. Don’t you love the positive messages on their makeup?

As I talking with their PR director April (super sweet lady), we discussed my upcoming blog & she gave me an idea for my first blog post: How do I balance it all? Work full time, be a wife & mom of three and work on becoming an influencer in this crazy competitive beauty industry. The short answer – I learned to not only dedicate time for it all, but to dedicate time for myself.

The key to balancing it all as a mom/wife/influencer is to not put yourself down when you feel like you can’t do it all and allowing yourself much needed ‘me’ time. If we set aside time for ourselves, it puts us in a better mood and ready to take on the responsibilities of life. If I need a quiet moment, I allow myself to have it without thinking of anything else that is on my to-do list…those dishes can wait (or you can enlist the kids/husband to help out!)

My personal quiet time usually involves music playing in the background, pulling out a bunch of makeup & letting creativity flow through my brushes. Here are pics from one of my last ‘me-time’ sessions featuring RealHer makeup:

Since RealHer’s core values center around being true to yourself, I wanted to do one look with my everyday makeup and mix it up, as I normally would, and take it from day to night.  I used the Do Your Squats palette for this entire look. I even used the shade Limitless as my highlight!

If you are a mom trying to balance it all, I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments! What do you plan on using your ‘me-time’ for? Also, is there anything from RealHer that you would love to try? I plan on doing a full review by next week (be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it ☺️).


  1. You look gorgeous in those pictures! And so true, there is nothing more therapeutic for me than sitting on the floor of my bedroom and do my makeup. Event of im staying home all day. I love it.

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