Today is my birthday & every year I reflect…most of it offline but I wanted to share what I’m thinking about today incase anyone wants/needs to hear it. I know everyone has heard the question “What would you tell your 17 year old self?” Today I would tell myself: Within 20 years, all that acne will calm down (but of course never fully go away 🙄) and slowly you will gain confidence! Not because it’s gone but because you eventually learn to love Yourself, flaws and all. People will no longer give you unsolicited skincare advice and they actually start to compliment you on your skin 😱 You also find Purpose after getting married to your best friend & starting a family. Not only to provide for your family, but to use all of the experiences (good & bad) you’ve had up until this point to be the best mother & wife you can be. Your kids have more confidence in themselves at ages 4,10 & 12 than you ever had your whole kid/teenage life & you are so proud of that but also know that it’s an ongoing work in progress until they are ready to leave the nest. Your 20’s will be gone in the blink of an eye, but your 30’s will bring so much more growth. You will take a leap of faith, stop listening to all the negative thoughts in your head & start beauty blogging. You can’t believe it, but companies start to notice you and send you their products and invite you to events! It eventually leads you to realize more Purpose – to Inspire. You start to get messages from people you’ve never met in person, thanking you for inspiring them to follow their dreams! Even your husband starts to tell people that you’ve inspired him to do the same ❤️ It outweighs any free makeup that any company has given you or any event.

You now know the meaning of “Life and God never gives you more than you can handle.” 17 year old self, you have done pretty good for yourself so far, let’s see what the next 20 years holds!